An agency in the Technology Administration that is a primary resource for government-funded scientific and technical and engineering and business related information.
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Examples for "national technical information service "
Examples for "national technical information service "
1 Source documents bearing an availability statement of NTIS may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service .
1 The price code appears in parentheses before the NTIS order number.
2 When ordering by mail or phone, please include both the price code and the NTIS number.
3 Source documents bearing an availability statement of NTIS may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service.
4 The NTIS was significantly associated with Acute Physiology and Chronic Health II scores, mortality, length of stay, and mechanical ventilation.
5 Additional ordering information or assistance may be obtained by writing to the NTIS , Attention: Customer Service, or by calling (703)
6 However, larger studies to determine the prevalence of the NTIS and its association with outcome in medical intensive care units (ICUs) are missing.
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